
By AnthonyBailey

London Telephone Bus

...Parliament Square.

'About the design
The K6 telephone box designed by Giles Gilbert Scott in 1935 is an iconic British symbol throughout the world. The artist is hoping that visitors will get out their modern smart phones and take photographs of themselves beside the classic predecessor.

About the artist
Liverpool-based artist Stephen McKay likes to work in public and uses a large studio space in his old home town near Sheffield, where passers-by can see him create his very public artworks. A qualified development chemist, Stephen enjoys experimenting with new materials and decorating techniques. He devised a method for his partner Janet Fishwick to paint over 4,000 individual pearl buttons onto her Pearly Mandeville for the 2012 Olympic Mascot Trail.'

Tunnel Vision 15th November 2014

Year of the Bus Sculpture Trails

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