Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309

Sleeping like a Baby

No work today, so a lazy morning with Little Miss E playing with her new toys and her dressing up as Elsa from frozen as soon as she woke up. And why not!

Managed to bag tickets to see Michael McIntyre tomorrow night in an online pre sale this morning, at a local theatre, however getting a baby sitter is proving very difficult at the last minute!Looks like I'll be treating someone else to go with me at this rate.

After lunch we went to see E, who had her baby a few weeks ago. So now Miss V has a baby brother. An adorable one at that and I enjoyed having a very long cuddle with him...once he went to sleep. The girls were proudly wearing princess dresses and dancing to Christmas music. Happy Days. Couldn't resist having a few snaps of him, although he kept moving his hands. I'm not really into newborn photography as I think its hard to avoid cliches, but who can resist a wee nose, a wee foot and a wee hand.

As Munchkin 1 is doing really well at school, he is off to see Mockingjay tonight with his dad. I would have liked to have gone but tonight was the only night suitable and I have prearranged badminton doubles to go to.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!


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