
By Beewriter

Whilst the cat's away.....

...the mice worked hard!!!!

The organ grinders left the monkeys in charge!

Well I am shattered! Pat and Sue decided have a day in town and left Katherine, Hannah and I in charge of the teashop. We were a bit nervous at first, but then we just got stuck in. It wasn't too busy thankfully and we had a laugh. There were some regulars in and so I gave them some questions off the chocolate quiz from the other got a bit of banter going between people and it was fun.

Pat sent a photo of her and Sue...saying they were so worried about us they had to have a drink!!!! And they were in The Alchemist, one of my favourite places!!! Cheek!!

It was very quiet in the afternoon so I decided to do some baking. I whizzed up some pastry and I made some marmalade and jam tarts and Katherine made some mince pies.

Yesterday Pat told me about when she was on TV for an interview about redundancies....well would you believe it a woman from The One Show phoned up this afternoon and wanted to know if she would do another interview. I sent Pat a text saying she urgently needed to phone the woman back...she sent me a text back yeah yeah!!!. "No really, it is true you need to phone her" She still didn't believe me. I spoke to her and she still didn't believe me....sigh....I must stop winding people up as it back fired today....I hope she phoned her back in the end.

When I arrived home I had an idea for a moon shot with a twist, but I was having a few problems. I decided to go on the playground and fiddle about with lights instead. I was there for about an hour and I've only just defrosted!! I took some on the slide and the swings but I liked my climbing man best ha ha ha.

I hope we did everything we should have at the teashop.......

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