
By AxelF1975

Morning is breaking

Given the change in drink driving limit, and that I consumed a glass or two of wine at our office quiz night last night, I had a lovely bracing walk into work. It was rather cloudy and brooding as I left the house, but as I walked along Seafield Road, there was this lovely line as the clouds were pushed out of the way to make way for a beautiful wintery day.

Definitely broke a sweat on the way in - reaching the office much quicker than normally - so felt that I had earned a wee fried tattie scone on my lorne sausage roll breakfast. Yum!

The rest of the day was pretty good too
- no real stress at work, with all my to-dos completed and only 4 emails in my inbox when I left
- emergency appointment easily obtained meaning I had to leave work early (shame) and the doctor confirmed I am not dying (just keep taking the ibruprofen)
- got home to a completed hall floor and a good start made on the living room too
- delicious G&T while Sam made dinner to boot!

Here's to a lovely weekend everyone

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