
By redridergirl

Alyeska with L!

Doing what I love! It was an absolutely gorgeous day to be a snow lover. The powder was still fresh from the storm earlier in the week, the light was great, it was just the right temperature, and I had a friend to share it with. I love snow-people, they're always really wonderful.

Had an amazing day, fell down a lot less than Wednesday when I went with Dad. L gave me some pointers and by the end of the day I was keeping up and stopped wiping out in front of the lifts. I'm really sore today (I'm posting a day late) but it was so worth it and I'm ready to go again, and again, and again! I'm in love!

On a less good note, today is the last day of spring break, ugh. I have a stupid photo class assignment due tomorrow which I should probably work on, but I don't want to. Bleh.

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