Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Reading tea leaves...

Hubs and I spent a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon at the Tampa Zoo today. I am of mixed emotions about zoos - I love seeing animals from other places but it disturbs me to see animals in pens that are too small or who are showing stress behaviors. What I like about the Tampa Zoo is that their habitats seem to be well suited to their animals and the only animal I saw today showing stress pacing behavior was the black bear. And, like most zoos, they are doing important work in protecting endangered species.

Anyway... today's offering is a Red-tailed Guenon, a primate found in Africa. They are smallish and eat mainly fruits and vegetables, with occasional meat just to change things up. I think most of we humans are fascinated with primates - they remind us of ourselves and when you look into their eyes...well, it is eerily like looking into the eyes of a human. Hubs and I picked this shot for today because the little guenon is looking right into the camera lens .. and she is also drinking water from a leaf that she used to scoop water out of the stream in the enclosure. Using tools is something that only humans, primates (and some corvids) do - it's both endearing and faintly unsettling. Hubs other favorite shot of the day is this clouded leopard. And if you want to see 10 other shots from today, click HERE to start with a poo-covered alligator and finishing up with a manatee (probably the only decent shot I'll ever get of one...)

We are planning a low key day tomorrow with some errands and then dinner with some friends. I leave for NYC in four days... tic-toc!

Have a wonderful weekend, people!


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