
By Nettenet

Fresh and Frosty

How lovely to wake to a bright and frosty morning for a change. Up and over to Richmond park by 9.30 this morning with Mr C, mum and dad and of course Ruby. A wonderful stroll for about an hour and a half, a feat in itself for Mr C and mum & dad.

The 2 bottom blips I took at home before we left (one being the top of the car!), the 2 top are grasses over the park and the one in the middle is King Henry's mound. Still in the park and also the highest point of Richmond Hill. From here you can see St. Paul's cathedral 10 miles away. The view is protected so that nothing can be built that will damage the view. We could see it very clearly through the view finder but of course no chance on my phone.

A chilled afternoon and then Mr C and I are off to celebrate a friends 60th tonight whilst Rebecca and Josh babysit their grandparents ;-))

Have a super day!

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