The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Show me the way to go home

...actually, it's the way to the pub, but if I catch the bus from town to the old cemetery and walk through, I come out around here, then walk past the allotments to get to my house. I noticed that some kind person is putting down seed for the birds on the path, just beside the new cemetery. I'm glad to see plenty of berries still left on the holly bushes. Now that it's frosty, food is so much harder for the wild creatures to come by.

This is a back-blip because I left my camera in a cupboard overnight. The nursery day was very, very full on, and one member of staff was absent. School was having a 12-hour sponsored bounceathon on the therapeutic trampoline, to raise funds. I managed a full five minutes, but there was a student with complex health needs on as well, so I couldn't do any monkey moves, just gentle rhythmic boinging.

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