
By bivbov

Flaygrounding in Eastbourne

T'was a sunny day in Sussex, so we made the most of it. We did Noo's 3 most favourite things:

* go to the Flayground
* go to the seaside
* go to the coffee shop

When Noo goes to the Flayground it's like speed dating with all the equipment - 10 seconds here, sprint to the slide, fly off the end, sprint to the swings and so on. It's exhausting!! ZQ challenged himself to an assault course in under 4 minutes and he managed 2 mins 30 on his first attempt. Not to be outdone, GravyC decided to see if he could beat ZQ's time. He had a bit of a predicament getting over the cargo net and we definitely won't be having any more children!!! He managed 1 minute 30, so ZQ had another go and was just over 2 minutes.

My own challenge was to take off my fleece and track suit bottoms and run to Eastbourne Pier. My poor legs!!!! It was freezing! Made me run faster I suppose, and forced me onto the pier (my next challenge) where GravyC and the boys were waiting at the very end with my warm clothes.

A cappuccino later and I was revived. Noo, ever the rebel, had icecream....

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