Frosty Filigree

Woke up to both our new skylights covered in frost patterns, and then the sun started shining through them - stunning (the blue is where the sun didn't reach).

However, my blip today was going to be the Christmas lights in Sutton - I took LOADS of photos - but whatever I did (and I got some strange looks) it just looked tacky, and not near as beautiful as this - so am hoping frost is Christmassy enough to count for my Advent blips...

Maybe it's me - people looked harassed rather than joyful, and I can't help thinking of folk who will go into debt to buy everything they think they need to have a merry Christmas - and even then, it probably won't be... Bah, humbug - and sorry - will try to be more cheerful tomorrow.

Got frozen fingertips helping with the car parking for our church's Cabaret tonight. Husband is out there again at the moment.

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