Fish Feeding Frenzy

Bora Bora, French Polynesia -- Oh, my goodness what an incredibly beautiful place this is!  The waters are absolutely unbelievably blue, blue, blue, with shades of neon blue, turquoise, and cobalt.  The steep mountainsides of the island are cloaked in vivid emerald green foliage, and the whole effect is absolutely breathtaking.

Today, we ventured out in a glass bottomed boat to look at some of the fish who are lucky enough to live in this magical lagoon.  We saw lots of coral formations, pristine white coral sand, and tons of brightly coloured fish.  The boat driver took us to a place where the fish are used to being fed, so they were eagerly waiting for us to arrive!  Here you can see some of them feasting on tuna that our guide was feeding them.

We are sad.  Tomorrow we disembark our magical floating home for the past month, and become landlubbers once more.  The good news is we still have three days to enjoy in Tahiti before flying back to winter.

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