Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Pretty periwinkle

Not a very nice morning - I was woken by the sound of heavy rain but when I looked out there were bits and pieces of snow in the grass. It didn't come to much and now I can see patches of blue sky.

Even in winter a wander round the garden usually highlights some rogue plant in flower and this morning it was this Greater Periwinkle, Vinca major 'Variegata'. Formerly named 'Elegantissima', I was disappointed to find that it had been changed to the more prosaic 'Variegata', but that's the way it goes. How can we deny those poor taxonomists their 15 minutes of fame!

The species come from central and southern Europe and north Africa, but this variety is of garden origin, though from whose garden I have no idea. I would like to know!

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