Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat


This is the lovely hat that a friend's Mum knitted for Toby - a pom pom hat to rival those that his Grandad P wears for sure.

Took Toby up to visit Henry's grave this afternoon. The snowdrops and crocuses we planted are starting to come up now. Toby slept through the whole trip but it felt important to take him.

Saw a nicer midwife this morning and she reassured me that we are doing really well with the feeding. Have been told so many different things by different midwives and it had all become very stressful but I am so determined not to put him on a bottle and I know we will get there in the end. He is the boss and he lets me know what he wants and when he wants it! Got to take it easy today as tried to do too much yesterday (2 mile walk round beacon hill yesterday a week after major surgery not a good idea!) but it is hard because I am not used to being stuck in the house and I am impatient to get out and about again.

Poor Alf went to the vets for his annual jabs this morning - he is still not talking to Mike. He and Charley have not been apart since we got Charley so I had a crying baby and a crying dog to look after until M got back! Vet says he has arthritis in his back legs and he is only 4 years old. So he has got to take it steady too - not easy when there is a mad Charley running round him encouraging him to play. Got to hold off the ball games for a while and see if that helps :0( Going to be hard as he adores playing ball.

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