Trees in the park

The warning about electricity interruption came true at 9.00 am, when everything was plunged into in-operation. It really does bring home the extent to which we depend on a constant supply, since not much in the house was of much use without power. There was no point thinking about doing work, since it would have been disastrous to lose power half-way through doing something, and I couldn't even watch the qualifying session from Bahrain for the first race of the new Grand Prix season. So I packed up and headed out, far too early for the weekly music session.

Today's host is in Clontarf, so it was logical to drive over to St Anne's Park and go for a walk with the camera. It was mild, but the lovely blue skies of the previous week were no more, which rather limited photographic opportunities. I came across playing fields which I hadn't been aware of before, and a racing track for model cars which was popular with a crowd with their toys for big boys, but it was just the quiet ramble itself which made things enjoyable.

It was a bit of a rush when the music finished to make it across to Carl's place and on by DART to Blackrock to meet our friends from Bray for the evening meal we'd arranged in Dali's restaurant. We had a pleasant time, with nice food and good chat. We hadn't been able to get a table at our referred time of 8.00 pm, and had promised to vacate our 6.30 table by 8.30. We were enjoying ourselves so much and were so unaware of time passing that the staff had to come over and ask us to leave. From there we went on to Conway's pub on the main street in Blackrock for a few bevvies.

It was Alan who discovered the pool table upstairs. Game led to game, and the pool session ended up with our crowd being challenged by some folk who'd been watching the Ireland-Wales rugby international. I honestly can't remember the outcome of the encounter (pool, I mean, not the rugby). Suffice it to say that we missed the last DART and had to get taxis home. Oh dear.

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