Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Advent Evensong

A busy weekend on the singing front ended with this scene, as the congregation leaves Holy Trinity Church between battering hail showers in the dark of an Advent evening. Five of us, with Mr PB the organist, sang plainsong for the psalm and the canticles, though with yours truly singing tenor we managed "Remember O Thou Man" as well as a revamped version of the Matin Responsory for the introit. This we sang from the narthex at the rear of the church, lit only by the red wall heaters; light became a slight issue as darkness fell and I found myself singing the wrong verse in one of the hymns. The small congregation sang more enthusiastically than they tend to in the morning - maybe it's just that people who come out on an afternoon like this for a choral evensong are the kind of people who can be relied on to leap in when they get a chance!

Anyway, it was lovely. I could sing plainsong to a band playing (actually, that would be awful, but you get my drift ...)

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