Took the camera and tripod into the field to try to catch the moonrise again - but (silly me) I failed to realise that the moon would be rising almost an hour later today than it did yesterday.
So I played with the ISO setting, and the feature on the camera that says Exposure Value, and can be adjust from -2 to +2. Took one final picture which has ended up being my blip. Then put the photos on the computer, and spent some time trying to find the exif data that I knew HAD to be there - did eventually track it down. Looking at the exif data, I can't work out what the Exposure Value actually changes.
Eventually opted for my final picture, with a bit of post-exposure playing, as my blip - but I hope I have learnt a bit about using the settings. I presume the red in the sky to the right side must be the lights of Norwich.
If the weather holds up, I'll try for the moonrise again tomorrow - even later in the evening!
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