Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Spoilt rabbit !!!

Eve is her love .... Well,Fuzzy Snowball is clever she knows where her vegetables are coming from so she pretends to adore Eve,lucy and myself ..... As for the rest of the world FORGET IT .. Fickle to the core ... She's good fun to sit with though ...
Tits McGee did the most fabulous roast dinner today ... She's not much of a chef but her roast was delicious !!! Thank you Titty wooooooooo ....
Today I had a new romance occur under my roof .. Dylan pooch and Ozzy pooch who is a new customer fell in love and became the pooch version of Elton John and David Furnish ........ this is remarkable due to the fact that both dogs NEVER show interest in any other dogs ever !!!

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