basking in a sunbeam... a duck

flying by - on the way - to grab some food - from a mother & child - who stopped to feed - geese and ducks - ended up - getting a big surprise instead

they were not - prepared for the huge - number of birds - who swooped upon them - as they threw bread - into the water - suddenly it became - like a scene out - of "the birds" - you know, that movie? - the poor little girl - wanted to run - which she actually did - her mama trailing - along behind her - trying to keep up - with a long line - of geese behind them - i had to giggle - what did they expect - was going to happen - when they began throwing food - animals are hungry - after all - they have no sense - that it's a little girl - who's doing the tossing - to them - they simply know - hunger will be gone - and it's going to be...


happy day.....

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