Deal with it

As you may be aware I am a sort of technologist - the sort that isn't particularly technical; a soft technologist perhaps. I know how some stuff works; that the colours on a PC screen are changed by pixies. The pixies have very special coats which can display different colours and the computer shouts what colour each one should display at a given time. I know that many pieces of technology have a BU - a "buggeration unit" - which is what listens, or doesn't, when you swear at it to make it work. What I'm struggling with here is how broadband, an essentially fluid thing rather like water, would work in a shopping trolley. Every damn fule kno that it would flow out of the holes. I guess it's just another of those imponderables and I'll just have to deal with it.

In other news: Marking purdah continues - please feel free to distract me as much as possible.

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