The Little Dipper.

I came out of the gym, and walked into Newbridge Fields. It was bitterly cold, and as i walked alongside the river, i saw this bird balancing on a stone. I realize it's not the sharpest shot, but if i had got any closer, i would have fallen in the river. It was too cold to hang around any longer, so i phoned J to meet me. When i got home ,i looked in my bird guide book, and found out he was a Dipper. With his white breast, he looks like he has his best bib and tucker on. I have never seen one of these before. Apparently their habitat is along rocky rivers and fast flowing streams. They have declined, due to pollution, and acid run off from conifers planted in river catchments. I am glad to be home now, and in the warm. Hope you are all staying warm as well.

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