School's Out

This building, built in 1840-1841, used to be a school. Apparently there are still a few former pupils who frequent the establishment that may remember having frequented the establishment when it was still a school. At least so says the web site. I have my doubts, though I think I knew somebody who said his mother had been there as a pupil.

I am not a former pupil and have only ever been here in its current use as a public house. When I first started going there there were still book shelves in some corners of the pub, and books on the shelves. Even though the books may not have dated from the time when the building was a school, they were fairly old. The books could pass an idle moment while somebody was at the bar ordering another round.

More recently the pub has been refurbished, the books have disappeared and been replaced by television screens. Not an improvement from my point of view, and the change may partially explain why I seldom go there now. As it is right in the heart of the shopping district it can become very crowded.

This marks the start of another "catch-up" exercise. I was on my way to meet up with Cosmo, with whom I will pass most of the weekend.

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