Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Lackluster Monday

Mid-afternoon I was in my campus office making sure that everything is ready. Tomorrow is Quiz #1 for my basic writing students. Last week I gave a preview quiz, sort of a wake-up call and an opportunity for students to know how to prepare. Some of the students did quite well on the preview, some didn't.

So tomorrow begins the 5th week of the semester. They have known since our first week together that Week 5 would be important. I have a couple stacks of blue and green quiz questions, the Scantron answer forms, and a stack of fill-in-the-blank Comma Rules. They need to have the eight comma rules memorized and write an example for each rule.

One of the topics we've studied in this early part of the semester is literacy or illiteracy in America. So I have also added a set of bonus questions for the students who have taken the option to watch the video Why Read Aloud? by Jim Trelease. A few students have emailed me to express their appreciation for what they've learned while watching the video. I hope their appreciation multiplies tomorrow when they earn some extra points.

Not very exciting, I'm sure, for those reading this; however that's been the focus of my day.

We thought summer had arrived today with a high of 79 degrees F. Mr. Fun & I sat in the spa-end of the pool late this afternoon. Because of "daylight saving time" it felt like mid-afternoon when I realized it was after five o'clock and time to get out of the water to prepare dinner. Now dinner has been eaten, the mess cleaned, and soon I'll be in my online chatroom office for one hour to meet students.

So Blip #435 is less than exciting; sorry.
Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. The exciting moment of the day arrived when Mr. Fun brought in the mail and a large packet with a gift from Deb was amongst the envelopes. I'll tell you about it tomorrow.

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