
By bivbov

Little shepherd boy

I managed to make it to Noo's Nativity!! I was scheduled to be working but managed to claim back some TOIL. It was very exciting, not least because we weren't actually sure what part he was going to play!! He has tantalised us with various tales......first that he was a dinosaur, then a crocodile, then a shepherd that roared!!! Turns out he was a shepherd with a poorly finger!!

It was all going so well. He and the other shepherds took to the stage. He spotted us and waved, but managed to keep his 'professional actor' composure (unlike ZQ who used to burst into tears!). Unfortunately, however, he was unable to remain 'in role' when his nursery teacher accidentally knelt on his hand! He spent the remainder of Act 1, scene 1 buried in her bosom!!! He emerged for Act 1, Scene 2 ("Jingle Bells") but refused to jingle his bells, and kept his fist firmly in his mouth. He did throw gift his lamb to baby Jesus (a real baby!!) and was soon cheered up with hula hoops, my mince pie, and 6 chocolate fingers!!!!

Other exciting news: I informed my boss of my intention to resign and am currently avoiding his panicked phone calls

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