Edged pink

December Challenge Day 9: Size or shape - lines

The wind was rising as I wandered up the hill with the woofers this morning, and we had to turn back earlier than normal, a vicious hail shower curtailing our walk. It is about the only weather that the dogs really dislike. They cower behind me, seeking shelter from the icy missiles.
I was back at the long running bathroom fitting saga job today, after having to wait a week for a joiner to come and do a little bit of work. My day was pretty successful, a shower enclosure and shower fitted. It should be pretty much finished tomorrow.
Back home and I got to see my beautiful fiancée briefly before she zoomed off to work.
Stuck for a blip, again, my attention was caught by the lines of pink on the edges of the petals of some flowers in a vase in the kitchen.

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