...why is the bread almost as big as the wagon?...why is the wagon needed for bread?...where does all of this fit into the story?...
Curiouser & curiouser...
I think sometimes we all get a bit bogged down with things and can't see the positive or exciting that surround us on a day to day basis. We get tired, too much going on, too much to do, not in control of things. That's when we see the blah...the negative points and panic moments, and they take over. I think we all get like that at times...but I think perhaps we need to remind ourselves to see beyond that...to appreciate how lucky we are...to see what love we have in our lives...to be content to just be...to be able to have a random LEGO advent calendar confuse the heck out of us but just go with it because it's fun!
There Truly is a cottage by the sea, and we can be very happy in it...life is a complicated as we make it... F&aD...xxx
That is all.
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