Today's Special

By Connections

Seasonal Cheer

While in Village Books today, finishing our holiday shopping, I was drawn to the simplicity of this Santa strolling with a single patient donkey laden with a few toys, instead of his usual transportation mode of a sizable sleigh pulled by flying reindeer.

Simplicity ended when I looked further and saw that the two figures were walking a narrow path, which in turn was attached to a curved pendulum, which, when gently prodded, made the figures move as if they were walking up and down hill. I suppose this might be called a tabletop ornament--and something challenging to store during the 50 weeks annually when it was not needed.

There was another intriguing and remarkably imaginative Santa option nearby, but as we don't put up a Christmas tree, I took a photo to remember it by. Instead, I purchased a cheery red gift for a dear family member and had it gift-wrapped, a treat for the recipient and for me!

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