
By MamaOfBoys

My tree

So last week i blipped my tree and how the kids had pretty much taken it apart again, well today i redid it and took a photo to prove it in case the kids destroy it again.

So far they're not interested, hopefully it stays that way!

I ran a few errands today while they were all at school, i picked up a tree for my parents in law who will have my nephews and brother and sister in law staying for Christmas because Santa wouldn't have anywhere to put the presents otherwise!

I also picked up a few more things i had forgotten in previous shops, i've had to make a list of things i need to get done before Christmas- not so much the shopping but the things where places are shut for a couple of weeks like Kanyes products for incontinence and prescriptions to get filled, those sort of things. I'm trying to pace them out so i don't get too overwhelmed with everything not to mention i don't want to be out all day with Harper.

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