Can anyone...
.... who drives one of these cars actually park them properly? Now I know the standard of parking in Edinburgh is pretty poor, but the incidences of Discos or X5s or XC90s or Warriors or Navaras doing it just seem disproportionately large. Kind of like the vehicles themselves.
And it wasn't just manoeuvring into place. It was like that when I left the office building for a lunchtime wander, and it was like that when I got back half an hour later. I feel almost old-fashioned in comparison opening the door and checking I'm in line before I turn the engine off.
But hey, why would you want to give a damn about anyone else? Maybe they would if you had to by two tickets for encroaching on two spaces. If the car is too big for you to drive properly or to park properly or for you to really understand where the ends of it are in order to drive safely GET SOMETHING SMALLER! Oh. But then you wouldn't look quite so important would you?
I guess at least this one has the sense to look a bit dirty, hinting (despite the road tyres) at having been off-road. Sadly there aren't mud spatters, that's just a collection of stoor from being too lazy to wash it. But then the people you're trying to impress aren't really going to be able to tell the difference...
"Did you see Nigel's car? He appears to have mud on it."
"Really, I wonder how? Perhaps there has been a diversion put in place through a field between his house and the school for dropping off little Angus and Alicia?"
"Maybe. It is over half a mile he has to drive them in the mornings of course."
Just another example of the general malaise of our society not giving a damn about having a detrimental effect on others. I know it's just a poorly parked car. And I know a small car has managed to fit beside it. But it's a hassle factor that can be eliminated with about 10 seconds thought and action. For more examples see the words of Saturday's blip.
More than once here I've turned to the wisdom of Bill and Ted. It's simple. Be excellent to each other.
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