twinned with trumpton


Down and In

Woke after not enough sleep to embark on a mammoth 7-7 day. Time has been spent on other things this last week or two, so I owe time and a head down, batter on day was required.

As hail and wind peppered the window, I lurked behind the triple glazing, gazing. At the amazing weather.

Ducked out at lunchtime; tried photographing the skips (told by two people 'you'll no' git through there, pal!') but they have all been emptied recently. Need to work out their skip emptying days, I think.

Lidl, milk, home. More work.

Then late in the day a quick skip across town; best place to blip when winter is all around is two floors down. (Not sure the map will help you much on this one.)

And house is set for tomorrow; and I look forward to a quiet hour later (please?) before a much needed catch up sleep.

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