
Today has flown by. I was so engrossed in my work it was half past two before I realised I hadn't had my lunch. That's not something that happens very often! The afternoon then sped by with another 20 minute break to fit in before home time at 4:30.

Nana and pops had the kiddies this afternoon and it was quite funny to hear how they put A into his snowsuit. Apparently snowsuits are quite baffling so instead of laying him down, one held out the the suit whilst the other 'dropped' him into it and then gradually pulled up the zips as he slid inside!!

Little man was very cheeky at bath time. He knew I wanted to get him undressed and was determined not to come into his bedroom. So he sat in the doorway to the bathroom and played peekaboo with me. Every time he popped his head out I would say "come on, come see mummy" and he would giggle and crawl straight back into the bathroom, before popping out again 30 seconds later. Little rascal.

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