
By philmorris

Do one

Today was car swap day. Since my one old one had been officially pronounced knackered, the owners of the mii wanted it back pronto and insisted on collecting it today. So I needed to rent one for a few weeks while I scour the market place. All this hassle because of a boy racer.

I was required to produce my paper driving licence. It was a term of the hire contract. So I spent all of yesterday evening turning the house upside down in search of it. No joy. This morning found me entering data on the DVLA site for a replacement. It will take a week or two (depending on which page you read) for the replacement to show up. Meantime, thinking the paper licence was to prove what a responsible motorist I was, I steeered myself towards and printed off the page certifying I was conviction free..

I was still worried I was going to have Ts&Cs thrust down my throat as I showed up at the car hire centre at Leamington ralway station. I needn't have. It was all sorted by a quick telephone call for the same data I had in print.

Hanging around outside stood still while two cars got inspected for damage, all within the space of an hour, had the soles of my feet freezing. And since in the moment of relief I had overlooked asking the nice chap at the hire desk for a photo, I decided to move along to Morrisons and treat myself to more sausage, egg, chips and beans.

I must have looked ravishingenous to the other diners.

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