
By HareBrain

Dog Days

The sand sculptor is from Rumania but was in Shrewsbury today! and was proudly showing off his work - such a happy fella despite the bitterly cold weather. I loved the dogs' expressions, they looked as if they were saying 'never mind the coppers in our dish, how about some nice warm coats and a blanket to sit on, we're freezing' !!

S. Claus drove us into town on the P&R and Mr T and I had quite a productive shopping time, a bite of lunch and an obligatory visit to my friends in Jessops!

S. Claus would have done better to take us back to our cars on his sleigh over the rooftops rather than by bus though as the road out of town was gridlocked for ages, and ages - at least the lights and decorations everywhere were a sight to behold - but we were glad to get home, eventually, and put our feet up. Well not for long, I've made supper and T has flown out to the Model Aero AGM - He says it will be riveting ..... not!!

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