Bit of a Momentous Day.

Work was cancelled (again) this morning so Mr W and I popped off to the cinema to see Paddington instead! It was very silly, but quite funny!

Its been quite a momentous day as Mr W finally met Daughter Number 1's Boyfriend - here - in our house!!! Those of you who follow my journal will know that its been a bit of 'an issue' but a YEAR later, we are finally there!!! I can feel a huge amount of tension lifted already.

Mr W and I then went out for dinner - in our festive wear! Look closely at the wording on his T shirt! Its not what you think it says!!! But its funny!

And my best friend went on holiday. Miss them already.


And a bit of a rant. Im cross that Blip Central will be emptying our Baskets tomorrow. I have book in there that took me AGES to edit. Its sitting waiting for me to have a spare £100 odd pounds to pay for it. Im in a dilemma as to whether to bite the bullet and just pay for it and allow Blip to be in charge of me doing that, or wait till I do have the spare money (probably never at the rate Bank of Daddy is spending the money!!!!) and redo the book. Makes me a bit cross. I dont like change either. Why does blip have to change - so much.

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