Feeling better

By Suziep71

Father and son

Had my hair done this morning and then met my old boss for lunch.

Nipped to our local garden center to see if they had some lights.

I was waiting for Anglian windows to come to quote me on a new drive. We've just had our front door and porch done by them so they offered us discount.

Well unfortunately I had to cancel due to unforeseen circumstances. So I texed the man who was coming as I didn't want him to answer the phone while he was driving.
The tex I received back from his number which you will see was obviously not meant for my eyes was

'Sod just cancelled by tex'

I presume that I am the sod that he is referring to.

I replied asking for the name of his boss which was the end of our communication. And I promptly rang the company. I didn't have a go at the people on the other end of the phone as it wasn't there fault.

I couldn't believe it. Yes I know he wasn't replying to me however we are always told becareful what you do or say as you do not know who's listening or watching.

Good thing that happened today -

I kept my cool while speaking about the man who made a big fool of himself.

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