
By Graphicsguru


Although the theme for today is "Peace", this image probably should be titled "Hidden Treasures". I searched high and low today for something that symbolized the theme "Peace", but by the end of the day, I had still come up empty. On the drive home, I recalled a necklace I had made in college that I thought I remembered seeing just recently. In digging through an old jewelry box, I found it - a gold peace symbol and a silver dove on a round wood disc. But in the search I also found some old photos of my kids that I had secreted away a long time ago.

They are all grown now, and the boys both have grown children of their own. Rachael is in a serious relationship with a great guy and studying for her Masters. At special times like this, I still think of them as they are in these photos and my heart smiles. I guess maybe I found peace after all.

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