Not me, ye daft bugger*, the tomato! This one has the honour of being our very last tomato, the final one in an amazing tomato harvest. We have been making tomato soup, tomato sauces, pizza and paella bases and just eating them like sweeties. This final one may go in today's curried lentil soup - or I may just do it the honour of eating it.
Been up since 6 am, stormed through a pile of work, done the grocery shop and made soup. It's only 11:40 and I already feel the need for a wee nap. Tonight is the final class with the current group. Always sad to say goodbye , I will be left happy memories of this special bunch of folk.
*My apologies for this aberration, it comes of being married to a Geordie.
- 1
- 0
- Nikon D3100
- 1/50
- f/3.5
- 40mm
- 400
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