Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

A Reality Check

There I was driving to work, looking through the rear view mirror at the pre-dawn Sky, assessing the possibilities of a good sunrise. It looked good, so I headed for a local lane with a good view east, hoping to capture something for Blip. I pulled up in a convenient opening to a field and got out of the car. Out with the phone I checked the Photographer's Ephemeris for the position of sunrise. Yep, looks good. I'm always prepared with a couple of memory cards in my pocket so got one out and went tithe boot of the car.............

.............and on opening it there was no camera bag in it's normal position.

I don't want you to worry. I normally take it out of the car at night. I just hadn't remembered to put it back in the car when I left home this morning. I felt a right chump, which was only slightly lessened when the sun was subsequently blocked by clouds on the horizon. All I could do was get back in the car and complete my journey to work. I suppose it can happen to us all, but forgetfulness certainly seems to be more common as I get older.

Fortunately my forgetfulness was soon replaced by embarrassment as I was eulogised by the Council Leader for my Lovers of Light photograph. A copy now has pride of place at the entrance to the Council Offices where I work. I should be thankful that my forgetfulness hadn't affected me on a certain November morning in 2013!

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