wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Derelict Thursday

This will be the fith time I try this.
This is a very sad birdhouse. Seriously sad
I don't know what's wrong with me. I can't throw a birdhouse out. This one is begging to be put out of its misery. I put them in window boxes because I have no luck with window boxes. They start out looking fabulous for about 2 weeks. Then, little by little they start to limp and cough and gasp.........I water, I fertilize, I dance naked under a full moon. wait where was I?........
This house is holding on....as do we all......

The season is approaching fast. I am taking my dad and husband out for their birthdays tomorrow. I hope we can buy a tree after. It has been raining for 4 days. This may have to be re thought.

My dad's cat Mia is watching "party at the snow hole" on YouTube on my phone. I am the lazy mom who puts her child cat in front of the "TV" . She leaves me alone if I do that and I can blip!

One more day until the weekend. I can't wait to be able to sleep past 400 in the morning.

I am off to bed and will catch up on journals tomorrow I promise!
G'day Downunder and good night to my northern friends.

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