Conversation from last night....
Me: who is ringing our doorbell at this time of night?
The Rev: I can't hear put the TV back on!
Me: well I can hear O at the door
O: Mum there is a man at the door with a strange parcel.....

In walked my eldest....back from Uni a few days early...lovely surprise, just a shame we had to rewind The Apprentice so he could watch it with us!!!

Had the difficult meeting in work....overall good outcome....still a bit of an awkward atmosphere....luckily I'm not in it just trying to set up meeting to find a solution.

After work met up with friends I used to work with 20 years ago. We actually live quiet close by still struggle to meet once a year:(

TODAYS SMILE: lots of laughter with the nest filling for 1 more!

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