
it was a really washy coloured sky this morning, Juno and I strolled around looking for playmates. Found some and Juno had a run and chase.

Forgot to download women's hour so it was other podcasts this morning on the way to work, still double helping tomorrow.

Work was good. Exciting lunch with Tractor Photo andScobes at the Traverse for a Play,Pie and Pint. Good play called Soup about Morningside family dealing with a couple of issues . Well thought out, particularly like the mixed priorities of the well designed props. Expensive alcohol from Waitrose and yet the cheapest margerine and bread from Tesco.(Fur coat and no knickers when I was young)

I think we are going for the last play 'The Garden' on 31/03/10 if any blippers fancy it.

Got a call that Eco daughter was going to sick kids as she had a suspected broken finger from the brutal netball training session! It turns out is is just badly staved. On the way to the sick kids hospital I spotted some Egyptian tacky tourist gifts that someone had placed in a basket by the communal bin. Thought of the Lady and dropped off in the garden for her.

Back home and I made Blackcurrant Jelly for sale at the school parent's evening, the last one at primary for me. After 10 years of making jam and making up the quiz for parent's evening it will be a sad day. I think I must have made 3000 pots of jam for the school to sell over the years.

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