barking mad!

By mcd3

Big Red Car

Took my charges to a photo shoot at channel 7 after school as their Mum & dad where sunning it in Bali!.

All was going well until someone opened the door of the very high car .....Em proceeded to tumble out in slow motion - it was awful! lots of apologies and chats from "celebs" to make sure she was ok. (She took the skin off her poor wee back oucha!)

So we bundled them - very gently - into the car. "Who fancies and ice cream from McDs??" I suggested .... Ems face was sad - no thanks - eh?? long pause "but I d like some chips and a chocolate thick shake!" Her wish was our command and the other two were pretty happy too!

Delivered them back safely to various grandparents ..... arrgh responsibilities! i]

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