Andy Bell...

By andrewbell

Another Day, Another Photo Hunt...

So again, I've had a day off from the University (despite the fact its not a "day off" as such, with assignments and what not!) but I decided the day was best spent doing other things. Things like going for walks, talking photos and drinking Hazelnut Latte in Heaton Perk.

On the photo front, unfortunately, today has not been a successful day! I had every intention of Blipping (apologies of that isn't founded as a verb!) a night shot with trailing car lights, etc. This plan did not pan out however because I looked at the time and realised it was 11pm and I had missed the majority of traffic.

Due to this I have settled with a photo from my wander around Heaton Park with Rhod.

The photo itself is from an old building, which i always believed to be the remains of a castle turret (based on no facts, whatsoever!). As it turns out, it is actually an old Windmill, now derelict and gated up. I would have uploaded a full photo of the windmill but all the ones I took were a bit lifeless.

Anyways, the plan for tomorrow is to get up at 4:30am when Steph has to get up for work and try and get some early morning shots. Be sure to check back tomorrow for the results!


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