
By Arteegeedee

New One, Old One.

This is a boring story of our DVD player. After many years our trust old one gave up (cost £20) & I got a new one (cost £80 as was told I'd need Blu-Ray). That was about 2 years ago & I suppose we used it about 6/8 times. We don't watch many DVDs as we record off the TV.

I took it back to the shop I bought it from but was told it was b......d & to chuck it. Hamey told me of a guy who will look & diagnose for £20 & then repair if possible for another £20 or so + parts (or something like that).....BUT I could get a NEW one, with a 2 year guarantee, for £50. I really hate the built in obsolescence these days but I had to go for it.

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