Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


When I first moved to Surrey and had a very stressful job I would go and feed the ducks under Chertsey Bridge to try and maintain perspective. I don't bother with the feeding these days as Leatherhead where I work now is well supplied with toddlers and their parents, and retired folk, and the ducks are pretty well stuffed every day without my addition.

There are usually 30 0r 40 ducks but only one of these Mandarins. Noddy no friends. But good blipfodder...

Today was pretty dire but deadlines were met, I just hope quality control was okay. By 3.30 I was feeling not at all well so TSM took me home at 4.00. I now have my thick cardigan on and the heating is turned up. Good to be home ...

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