Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Three of our bullocks slowly fattening on the shore section of our grazing. We can go weeks without seeing them sometimes there is so much land for them to hide in and you can spend days looking and looking and then like today they suddenly appear! They gave us a good roar I think they are thinking they would like to be fed now. This wild weather must have encouraged them home. I took this photo in a rain shower risking my camera because the light was so amazing. Glad I did it looks like I took it in sepia but this is just how it was.

After a walk to the beach I spent the morning sorting out the self-catering cottages on the farm, giving them a check for leaks and dampness as well as doing a big sort out in my cleaning cupboard and going through things to see what is needing bought for next season. We are still open in the winter but not many lets although we do have a few folk coming this weekend. I turned up the heat in their cottage to air it in preparation. Decorating on hold as I need more supplies and not going to the shops until next week so will just have to live in a building site until then!!

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