Nuggets of awesome

By librerin

I can haz bathtub?

My cats have a love affair with the bathroom. For whatever reason, I've always had "company" in the form of a feline or two whenever I decide to take a bubble bath. One of my kittens who recently passed away, Smoky, would literally come bounding into the bathroom as soon as the water started running. And God help me if I decided to take a shower - he'd sit on the toilet, crying until I decided to get out.

One of his favorite things to do was to sit on the edge of the tub. Inevitably, a portion of his tail would become damp. Perturbed, he'd jump down with a "purrow?" and begin what I refer to as "spin cycle." Chasing his wet tail as quickly as he could, he wouldn't let up until he was satisfied that it was dry.

The cat in this photo is Shadow - Smoky's mother. She also appreciates the safe haven the bathroom affords her. Usually, I put a towel or two on the floor when she's out and about. Eventually, she finds her way into the room and plops herself down, purring and dozing off.

My cats lead hard lives :)

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