Santie On His Rounds

The day started ok, dull but calm and then the wind picked up and showers on and off most of the day.

A quiet morning in the museum and then up in the office in the afternoon and getting those photo orders out for the Christmas rush. Popped along my sister Laura after work for a cuppa before tea. Off out tonight to see the new Hobbit film in 3D at the pictures. I really should have watch the last two again to refresh my memory but I'm sure I'll soon pick it up again :)

Is Santie trying to beat the Christmas mail rush? Walking long the street after work and bumped into my old boss Douglas Garden. He was in full Christmas cheer with his Santie hat and Christmas jumper on and as he walked away from me, he had a sack over his shoulder, all he was needing was the red jacket :) Taken on Commercial Street, Lerwick.

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