
This morning I turned down the chance to go into Bath this evening and see the Christmas Market lights by night, followed by a drink in the Après-Ski Bar. Am I mad? No, just being boringly sensible. I have a busy day tomorrow, hopefully, and as I'm still not feeling great, I decided I should listen to my head instead of my heart for a change!

The plan was for a quiet, restful day at home. So what do I do? I decided to move all the furniture in the lounge to set up the tree properly, go up in the attic and drag down the mountain of boxes of Christmas decorations, and then have a wrestling match with the tree lights! Which was when I discovered that the lights had packed up!!

Phone calls were made to all the local shops in a desperate search for new fairy lights, but everywhere had sold out. So I ended up at a garden centre on the edge of Bath, where I found what I was after! While I was there, I also grabbed a desperate shot of one of the tree light displays.

As my Christmas tree is still rather naked, a desperate, and somewhat abstract, twinkly blip it is!!

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