Wild weather
Wild weather, winds gusting to 70 mph last night. With so many trees towering over 80 feet next to my house I have adopted a routine of smiling kindly at them prior to storms to show my affection and appreciation in hopes that they will not decide to lie down on my house. So far it's working wonderfully well!
Often the clouds in the sky turns a strange yellow prior to a storm, sort of an eerie shade. I see it prior to snow quite often, too. But on the way home from work yesterday, about a mile from home I saw these clouds hovering above my house and thought they were beautiful! I hope you enjoy them too!
I have a busy weekend filled with friends, Christmas celebrations and a visit to the Festival of the Nativities on Sunday. Thought I'd go around noon if anyone wishes to join me :)
Wishing each of you lovely weekends filled with happy festivities or quiet times, which ever you are craving :) Love to you all!
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