Through My Eyes!

By kevreid

Strawberry Splash

Decided to try out some flash photography today and managed to get wet staying indoors too!
To do this i used a white reflector about 3 feet behind the glass which was lit by a flashgun set to 1/8 power.
Then lined up camera to focus on a full glass of water, set focus to manual and sett flash at 1/4 power straight on to glass.
I used a remote to fire the camera and flashes when i dropped a few strawberries from about 6 inches above the glass. i found too press the shutter just as the first strawberry hit the water worked best!
I did take about a dozen photos before the contents of the glass had managed to get all over the table.
I'm going to experiment with different sizes of fruits to see what gives the best splashes,
I think i'm also going to have to look at having black reflectors on the sides too so that the splashes get more of an outline.
I was also going to try using wine, but i was informed it was a waste!

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